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Squeezo Screen Repair Kit

The Original All-Metal Squeezo Manual Tomato Strainer - Standard
Price: $22.00 Pre-order Order today to reserve the item
(Shipped within 29 weeks)
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Squeezo Strainer strainer repair kit: Available in a set of three or a single gasket option

Description-Title Squeezo Screen Repair Kit

This kit restores the performance of your squeezo; it Includes a nylon bushing, snap ring, rubber gasket & instructions.

These Individual parts complement the original Squeezo Strainer, make sure that the product you have is this specific brand and not just any tomato miller you call a “Squeezo”. If having any doubts about whether these parts will fit your machine, feel free to send us an email with a picture of the part you need and your machine along with any questions to

QB ID: 04035